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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Florida Trip 2010: The Long State

I am writing today's blog from the Sunshine State – still rather cool, but it is sunny. I drove across the sliver of Georgia I needed to cross before reaching the top of the state of Florida. So far this trip I have crossed most of the states on their shorter axis. Florida stretched out before me from above Jacksonville all the way down to Key West. That is about five hundred and sixty-eight miles by car. That is a lot of real estate. The only mountains or hills I saw while heading south on I-95 were two large landfills. With the weather they have been getting in Florida this past week I expected to see chair lifts running up those hills and hundreds of Floridians in ski parkas coming down the new ski trails.

The temperature actually hit sixty-two degrees this afternoon. I remained in jeans and a sweater all day, but did feel the warmth of the sun on my face as I sat poolside with my brother while sipping a rum and Coke. I spent the remainder of the afternoon reminiscing with my brother. We did not solve any worldwide issues but did agree to blame most of our personal problems on our parents.

I look forward to tomorrow and not having to drive all day – well I might be playing golf and will have to do some driving. Hopefully those drives will be long and straight just like today's drive down I-95. I am staying in Coral Springs, Florida. It is sort of an extension to Fort Lauderdale and provides a buffer for that town and the alligators of the swamp that starts at the western edge of Coral Springs. I have yet to see any coral or a spring in the town, but I am certain they are somewhere to be found. I took no photographs today. I will do better tomorrow. I am too tired to keep on writing. Pleasant dreams to all I love and care about.

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